Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Ode to My Cars: Safe Journeys with many more to come!

So, As some of you know I sold my '98 VW Jetta to Spencer in June of  '08 when I moved to Colorado. From June until January '08 I had the pleasure of driving my MOM'S '04 Jeep Wrangler. My Dad loves the Jeep and love to go "Mudding", "Off-Roading", "4-wheeling" (whatever you like to call it).  And my Mom loves my Dad and has allowed him to trick out her Jeep! The Jeep is maroon with a black hard top for the winter and a bikini fly for the summers. My Dad had given the Jeep a 4 inch lift and of course has added the equally large tires. It is a nice ride! The only problem... with the lift the bottom of the jeep came up to my hip!! So, I had to jump in and out each time I went anywhere. I got a ton of looks from those around me when they saw a short woman getting into this lifted Jeep! The only draw back, getting in and out in a DRESS!! Especially if I was wearing any kind of heel. But I LOVED driving the Jeep. It was tons of fun to drive around with the wind blowing through my hair. It is a really good thing that I have short hair!

In January, when I was getting ready to move to Texas, I had to buy my own car. When I was in Midland for my job interview, I looked around to see what cars people had and the dealerships that where around. I was trying to make an educated decision on what kind of car I should buy. As some of you know, I have dreamed of driving a Subaru Outback Wagon since 2001 when I had one as a rental car in Seattle for Alison and Dan's wedding.  But there are not Subaru's here. But there where a lot of Honda's, Chevy's, Ford's, Kia's, etc. My Mom really thought that I should have a small SUV so that I would sit up higher. 
So, At the beginning of January my Dad and I started looking. The first weekend we decided to go to Peak Kia and look at the Sportage. I really liked the idea of the 100,000 mile/10 year warranty. When we got there the Go Nissan was next door and we decided to stop there first. We looked around and I test drove a 2005 Nissan Xterra. It was nice but I wasn't ready to make a decision after only test driving one car. 
We went next door to Peak Kia. There were some nice new and used cars there. We started looking at the cars and I thought the Sportage was really cute! (Which is the MOST important thing when buying a car!) So, I test drove a couple of Sportages and really like them. They were nice and comfortable. Because they were having the end of year clearance they had a really good deal on the '07's. I wanted the '07 Sportage V6 with the larger engine. They didn't have one at Peak, but there was one at Phil Long in Colorado Springs. It was a deal I couldn't pass up. So, on the very first day I looked at cars I actually purchased a brand new vehicle! I had to wait until Monday to pick up my new car, but it was worth the wait! 
I really love my car! It is so cute and I am loving having it. It does awesome on road trips. We have been on a few together: there was the drive to Tx, Dallas in April, Amarillo in May, the Grand Canyon and San Antonio in July, and to Lubbock a couple of times to go to the temple. With all the traveling that I have done in "The Kia", yesterday I hit 9000 miles! 

So, Happy 9000 miles to me and "The Kia"! Here's to the years to come and many more miles and trips together!

Check out my ride!

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